Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tom Crean to IU

This was probably the best possible hire that IU could have hoped for, especially given the circumstances surrounding the program right now. Crean has never violated NCAA rules, he knows the Big Ten and the midwest in general (got Dominic James out of Indy to Marquette), and he knows how to handle a school that really cares about basketball (Marquette doesn't have a football team, so it's all about hoops, all the time). Indiana will be bad next year. In fact, they will be terrible. They are a long shot to go .500 overall and will struggle to compete in the Big Ten, as Jordan Crawford will be their leading scorer coming back at under 10 ppg, assuming Eric Gordon leaves for the draft, as he should considering IU's situation and his stock, which is too high but nevertheless he should take advantage of it. The future of the IU program Tom Crean, however, looks very bright. If I was a Hoosier fan, I would be celebrating today. In fact, I am celebrating because Crean has now left the Big East and I won't have to see my team play against his anymore.


(, cmkmets13 AIM)

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