Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Baseball Preseason Predictions

Its time for the flowers to come out which means its baseball season, I'll come back later with a more detailed preview for every team but for now I'm going to give you the playoff teams, and a sleeper team that might take a wild card or division you aren't thinking about, and then I'll rate the divisions based on the top talent and balance.

Due to multiple complaints about my sleeper team procedure I've decided that it has to be a team 5th or lower in the 6 team division...therefore the bold illustrates these modifications

AL East: Red Sox
AL Central: Indians
AL West: Mariners
Wild Card: Tigers
Sleeper: Royals

NL East: Braves
NL Central: Cubs
NL West: Diamondbacks
Wild Card: Rockies
Sleeper: Reds


Red Sox over Indians
Mariners over Tigers

Diamondbacks over Cubs
Braves over Rockies

Red Sox over Mariners
Diamondbacks over Braves

Sox over Diamondbacks in 5 (if it was to go longer, advantage Diamondbacks)

-CJ with comments/constructive criticism


The Div Kidjavascript:void(0) said...

I personally like the Padres as the Wild Card and have the Dodgers Winning the West. Call me crazy but I just think if Maddux and Prior have decent seasons....which isn't hard in that park in SD to go with Peavy and Chris Young I think they can run away with the division....but prior hasn't been healthy in forever. Good luck please check out my blog

statimagician said...

I almost agree with your predictions but I think the Tigers will come out on top in the AL Central with their offense and starting pitching, the Indians will finish as the wild card.

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Toole? You Can't Handle the Toole said...

No mentioning of the Mets. I find that ridiculous even though I'm a Yankee fan. They will be greatly motivated to do well this year especially down the stretch after last years collapse. The Braves just have to many questions like will Tom Glavine's arm stay attached? Can Chipper stay healthy for more than a week? The Mets have a proven team. A great line up with Reyes, Wright (last years NL MVP if the MEts didn't blow it), Beltran, Castillo, and Delgado. They also have agood young pitching staff that became great with the aquisition of Santana. They also have only proven closer in the NL east unless you incluse Chad Codero or Flash Gordon and in my opinon you do not include those guys as proven closers. That will be kay this year since most team bullpens situations are terrible. This is the Met's year to make it to the World Series in a weak NL. O yea CJ there are too many teams the AL central I think you mean top 3 good bottum 2 bad. The Angels will slide, but I think in the AL west they will stillwin it the Mainers just to be held to together by glue and duct tape and can be broken at any second. O and I would go into a humongous tyraid about why the Yankees are not even mentioned, but it would be a waste of time since I know why they are not up there due to the bias of the poster.

NDIrish said...

Its not that I don't think the Yankees aren't good...they are, they'll win 88-92 games but in the AL that won't be enough considering the weakness that exists in the Central and West